Friday, March 24, 2006

Bad Blogger!!!

Hello everyone ... so sorry to have left you hanging like that shesh , bet you I have lost all my readers now . But for those of you have that hung on things have been happening here but so BUSY and TIRED to even blog !! Can you imagine that! So since my last post I have shown my sister tons of new techniques to take home. We have done some work with the soldering iron and felt, transfer paint, we also did a workshop with Margaret talbot medival tiles and mosaics... Keep posted as I will have a piece done to take to work for a mini (here is Sandys work) at work! I have shown her saran wrap sandwiches, friendly plastic and how to use it . Funky foam and a whole assortment of other things but here are a few pics to keep you entertained. Will post soon .. by the way my sister goes home in a couple of days! :(

1 comment:

Joanne S said...

You could show us all that stuff. What's a saran wrap sandwich?