Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Hoya and what I have been up to

Hoya in bloom Posted by Hello
Guess its about time I posted again .. this morning took
a picture of my hoya that has come into bloom ... I love
plants I have quite a few of them but this one I got from a small
cutting last year and look this year .. in bloom.
Coming home from work today I got out of the car put it
in the garage and I could hear the pheasants squawking, then
I could hear the owl hooting .. not sure what type of owl it is
but I hope to catch a picture of him sometime .. must stalk him !!
Still working on the chair tonight seems to be much slower going then
the last chair.... and of course here I am putting stuff in my blog...
Like that is going to help me get this done... ok off I go to finish them...
see you soon.

1 comment:

Liz Plummer said...

My mother-in-law used to have some of this in her conservatory and I always wondered what it was called - this is the first time I've seen it since she died. Thanks for posting!