Saturday, March 05, 2005

Lazy Saturday

Did not do to much today as of yet .... I did watch Harry Potter
and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Excellent movie so that is the lot of
them for now... Looking forward to J K Rowlings new book in July.

Then I was searching around on the web looking for some different
techniques of shibori type dyeing ... and stumbled across this site.
Home page of Olli Niemitalo he is a young guy from Finland
and went to california and bought some tye dyed t-shirts, he loved
them so much when he went back home (he could not get them there)
he went and did his own dyeing and made this little program to show
you what colour you will get when you mix this colour with that colour.
I have seen this wonderful piece of Mokume type dyed fabric/scarf and
this is what I would like to do to reproduce a piece that is like this to use
in a quilt. So first I will have to do some stitching on some fabrics that
I will have to dye ... will post pics of that a bit later when I get that done.
I also have to do two balloon back chairs for a friend of mine.... been putting
that off for a bit.
better get off moving then ... pics to follow.

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