Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Mardi Gras 2003

These are for Jen who is from Bayou Quilts here on our list. She is in Lousiana, one of my favourite places in the world. I was telling here we had a mardi gras party here in the UK, a few years ago and that I would post some pics for her of the party.
I made some crawfish ettouffee, red beans and rice also a king cake and decorated the whole house and outside with bunting ... that I of course had to sew as I could not find the right colours anywhere here at the costume stores. Sooooo one evening of my man cutting out purple, yellow and green plastic table cloths, in a triangle, then me sewing this onto some ribbon, phew that took about 5 or 6 hours ... (just a guess). This was from the front of the house at the road and all the way inside everywhere.
We had drinks in fish bowls, new clean ones of course and filled them up with various drinks (one specialty was hurricanes.) In other glasses they got plastic fish ect to go into their drinks.
A great time was had by all.

1 comment:

jenclair said...

Wow! Looks as if you all had a great time and great food and great costumes. Love the idea of drinks in the fish bowls.

My favorite Parade is the Mardi Paw in Shreveport... people outfit their animals (mostly cats and dogs, but occasional goats and pigs) and parade them around the playground at a local elementary school. Actually, all the small local parades are a blast with kids on tricycles and little red wagon "floats."