Friday, February 23, 2007

MOVING and Lifes special moments

OK finally the moving day is nigh .. tried to call sisters tonight ... no one home!!! so hey girls I am on the move if you dont see me for a bit sorry but of course no internet for a bit but will get in touch as soon as I can .
Now for lifes special moments! This morning I went to go for my walk and opened there door and what a lovely sight was waiting for me.
2 Pheasants were in the front lawn ... they were just there to wish me well. It was a such a nice moment for me this morning. I did take pictures and I will post once I get my own acccess to the computer at home.
SO ladies I hope to be online soon. Please come back to see me and I promise once I get the internet I will be back and posting regularly.. and some work to show as well.
Hugs and see you all really soon


Shirley Goodwin said...

Look forward to seeing you back, and hope the new home is working out well.

Digitalgran said...

Have a happy move. See you soon!