Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Hoya Happiness

As I was sitting at the computer in the livingroom trying to connect the wireless network tonight, I kept thinking hmm I wonder what the smell is ...

well low and behold its the hoya plant .. or wax plant. That is my plant that I grew from just a few leaves about 2 or three years ago now .. and its so happy as I am in my new home its gone crazy. It has 12 flowers blooming on it this is the most I have ever seen it have .. yaaaaaaaaaaaaa happy hoya, happy house, happy me .


Dianne said...

Wow look at it just blooming away, and the have a scent how fabulous is that.. I love their flowers..
Thanks for the pic...

Tonniece said...

What a pretty plant. Wish I could smell it too.
SEEEEEEE, Happy you, happy everything.

Digitalgran said...

I love my hoya plant too and I grew it from a small cutting years ago. i am afraid mine is attracting the ants though. All that sugary stuff that comes from it. But it is a beautiful flower.
I'm glad to see you have settled into your new home.